PogoCheats Forum

Pogo Cheats => Club Pogo => Topic started by: denadatoday on October 06, 2008, 05:41:35 PM

Title: I'm mad at myself because I'm an idiot.
Post by: denadatoday on October 06, 2008, 05:41:35 PM
In the years I have been a Club Pogo member I have NEVER missed a Special Edition badge.  Until last week.  I was so caught up playing PackRat on Facebook that I spaced logging into Pogo all that time and didn't see it until it was too late.

I'm such a moron and that empty space is going to drive me crazy.  Just thought I'd share.   :'((
Title: Re: I'm mad at myself because I'm an idiot.
Post by: Stinkerbell on October 06, 2008, 06:21:33 PM
 6_6.gif   It's good that you got that out.  Now, you can begin the healing process. 
You're not a moron.  You just had a momentary lapse and while you may never be able to get that badge, you can move on knowing that you've learned an important lesson.  And we are here for you, Dena... we care.   (OO)
Title: Re: I'm mad at myself because I'm an idiot.
Post by: Mary on October 06, 2008, 06:32:57 PM
awwwwww so very sorry you miss the badge,,
Title: Re: I'm mad at myself because I'm an idiot.
Post by: harley89 on October 06, 2008, 06:39:08 PM
Don't worry about we all mess up at one time or other.  Besides i have a lifetime membership in the moron club. 
Title: Re: I'm mad at myself because I'm an idiot.
Post by: Hocky on October 06, 2008, 06:43:09 PM
Quote from: harley89 on October 06, 2008, 06:39:08 PM
Don't worry about we all mess up at one time or other.  Besides i have a lifetime membership in the moron club. 

:)))  I second that emotion....matter of fact I was once vice president of that club
Title: Re: I'm mad at myself because I'm an idiot.
Post by: Squid on October 06, 2008, 07:02:27 PM
So sorry about the badge.  Now I'm dying of curiosity.... what's this PackRat that has you so distracted??
/me goes to nearest search engine.
Title: Re: I'm mad at myself because I'm an idiot.
Post by: denadatoday on October 06, 2008, 08:15:53 PM
Awww thanks you all, I feel better now!  The support here is wonderful! :)   :!!  I need to get back into Pogo and make sure I don't miss anything else.

Squid - DON'T DO IT.  You will never surface again, ever!!  I thought Pogo was addicting but ohboy.  PackRat is basically a trading card game where they release really cool looking card sets with different themes, you store them in your vault, make recipes combining cards to make other cards in the set, and steal cards from the "rats" (computer players) and your friends on FB.  It is wildly addictive and maddening to try to finish sets before they retire, collect retired sets, and get the new stuff that comes out on a regular basis. 

Talking about it doesn't do it justice until you try it and really get into it.  Second to my Special Edition badge moron screwup is not joining Packrat months earlier and knowing it will cost me 200k and a ton of retired cards to complete Sugar Rush by getting my Red Velvet Cake card.  *commits self to insane asylum*
Title: Re: I'm mad at myself because I'm an idiot.
Post by: Squid on October 07, 2008, 03:35:43 AM
Thanks for the warning!  I am already obscessed with having an auto running at all times.... maybe one addiction is enough?
Title: Re: I'm mad at myself because I'm an idiot.
Post by: MsMissy on October 07, 2008, 01:20:08 PM
aww, so sorry you didnt get the badge you wanted.  0:
Title: Re: I'm mad at myself because I'm an idiot.
Post by: showstopper247 on October 07, 2008, 04:49:54 PM
just got one question, what is an auto that you speak of?
Title: Re: I'm mad at myself because I'm an idiot.
Post by: capricorn74 on October 07, 2008, 05:04:45 PM
Ah, the ugly PackRat addiction!!! I actually deleted the game from my profile about three weeks ago. I was really really really annoyed with trying to get enough atom symbols to get the nuclear reactors that you needed for Green Scene or whatever that set was called. And then the auto I was using over there was changed so you could only pick up one popup per day of each card type, which really ticked me off!

I agree though, it will take over your world for a while, especially when trying to complete retired sets.