PogoCheats Forum

Pogo Cheats => Club Pogo => Topic started by: sser on July 22, 2004, 09:24:31 PM

Title: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say why n
Post by: sser on July 22, 2004, 09:24:31 PM
personal challenge badges. Pogo needs to change it so we can do as many as we want, when we want to. I mean what good is one day going to do? Think about.....If your missing like 50 of tbem, that's like 50 weeks. That will take way too long.....So if enough of us put our foot down. Hopefully pogo will change the way they have them setup...

So Please Send "<admin edit by Homer> and say u want to be on the list
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: MidnightToker62 on July 22, 2004, 10:58:53 PM
You know, the last 3 days on Pogo have been nothing but a huge whine fest. I finally turned my chat off because all day and night was like being locked in a room with 50 snot nosed whiny children.

First everybody is complaining about badges they missed, so Pogo offers them again.......but wait!!!! Not good enough! We want them all....NOW!!!!

What happens if Pogo says okay go ahead and do them all?  Everybody gets their useless badges and goes back to bitchin that they have nothing to do.

Pogo should have just started at the beginning and offered one old badge a week. If you already have it, fine. If you don't , get it and quit whining.

As it is with one challenge, the majority is still bitchin that it's too hard...it's too long. On and on  ad nauseum.

Besides, don't you people all realize that Pogo does NOT read petitions? Ask all the authors of the numerous petitions to bring back Word Riot.

Pogo did not have to reissue old badges at all. Take what you're offered, be happy with it and quit yer damn whining!
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: sser on July 22, 2004, 11:34:26 PM
or it could be it desnt hurt pogo to give em to u or we pay for club pogo
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: rcardone1 on July 23, 2004, 03:32:24 AM
This baby crap will never end.
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: kizzakad on July 23, 2004, 04:37:08 AM
it isnt baby crap you ning,, whats the point in doing 1 personal challenge a week if ure missing 50 badges, thats 50 weeks,, whats the point, we want a challenge and as many as we can do is a big enought challenge as were gonna get.
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: rcardone1 on July 23, 2004, 05:04:20 AM
Like i said stop the cry baby crap, everyone wined because we could not get the old challenges, now that we do everyone wants them all at once you ning. Grow up and stop crying and be glad we got them the chance to get them.
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: LuLu on July 23, 2004, 05:51:04 AM
I am happy that we get the chance to do them period.  Pogo was getting boring before.  At least now there's more to do.  You won't hear me complaining...
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: gyrospinner on July 23, 2004, 05:57:35 AM
Give me a break first they whine because they cant get badges that were out before they decided they wanted to join club pogo now they are crying because they cant get them all in one week....be thankfull that you are being allowed to go after thoses badges at all ....give some a inch and they want a mile. >:(
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: 2TOOME on July 23, 2004, 01:01:27 PM
I went on POGO today and checked my messages and low and behold there was a petition, going around for people to sign about being able to get more than one personal challenge a week. 

My opinion on this is I'm just happy that I can now get the 2003 badges.  So what that it is going to take me a long time to get every one.  Deciding which one is going to the hard part for me since I didn't become a club member till the first of 2004.  I'm just glad that we can. :)
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: Homer on July 23, 2004, 01:45:35 PM
Heh, funny thing. I saw a petition with a pogo snitch sn on it. I won't say who it is though but let's just say they are one of the ones turning people in on WWW  ;)
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: DJ_ on July 23, 2004, 01:53:59 PM
Just a little piece of advice, do dice derby and greenback as soon as you can.... no telling what pogo is going to do with those 2 crappy games. I have a feeling pogo will dump them, it's just a matter of time.

As for the petition... pogo is not going to listen to them, they will read the first letter and block the rest of them.  ;D

I say leave it like it is and stop crying about it, be happy that you can get the older badges now!
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: maikeyG on July 23, 2004, 04:24:54 PM
i agree i like the idea of 1 a week..u wud all be bored as hell when u have them all in 5 weeks or so....

then what will u think of to complain about next?
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: ILoveBananas on July 23, 2004, 04:42:13 PM
sser, its not a good idea to say your pogo name here
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: gyrospinner on July 23, 2004, 04:43:36 PM
SSER if that pogo mail  name is your pogo screen name i would strongly suggest you remove it from this forum post haste . ::)
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: kizzakad on July 23, 2004, 05:02:15 PM
i agree they are a good idea, but what is the point of doing just one. and im not being a cry baby, i think it would be good for ppl to do as many as they want, what about the **** ppl that whinged so much for turbo 21 to go from 3 in a row to just 3, i thought that was really pathetic. but pogo did that for them. so what if you cant get 1 badge, its just a badge.
pogo should give ppl a chance to do as many as they want to do, and for those PEOPLE who only want to do one a week, can do just that. just cuz people want to do as many as they want to do, does not mean you people who dont want that, have to do as many, you can still do ure 1 a week.
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: ILoveBananas on July 23, 2004, 05:08:46 PM
Well Homer's job, start editing it ;D
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: chetta on July 23, 2004, 05:22:32 PM
maybe he is going to let him learn from his mistake ;D
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: zenia on July 23, 2004, 05:27:01 PM
Quote from: sser on July 22, 2004, 09:24:31 PM
personal challenge badges. Pogo needs to change it so we can do as many as we want, when we want to. I mean what good is one day going to do? Think about.....If your missing like 50 of tbem, that's like 50 weeks. That will take way too long.....So if enough of us put our foot down. Hopefully pogo will change the way they have them setup...

So Please Send "<admin edit by Homer>and say u want to be on the list
P.S. If your going to cut & paste something and forward it, it would help to SPELL check or correct typos....Im not being a smart ass just making an observation
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: Thisnamenottaken on July 23, 2004, 05:27:28 PM
OK ENOUGH!!!!!!  I am sick of having my pogo messages flooded with this stupid petion....

Just my  opinion.... but it took a long time for pogo to agree to allowing us to get past badges.... now thats not good enough... Every week they get complaints. the Challenges are to hard, We want to do more than one... if they keep getting flooded with nothing but complaints has anyone ever thought they can take these personal challenges away just as quickly as they gave them to us....

yeah so you need 50 thats gonna take 50 weeks.... well I think that thats a little shorter time than NEVER... they didnt have to allow us to do them at all... so which is worse... never being allowed to do them or taking 50 weeks with something new to do each week?????
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: zenia on July 23, 2004, 05:30:34 PM
Quote from: Thisnamenottaken on July 23, 2004, 05:27:28 PM
OK ENOUGH!!!!!!  I am sick of having my pogo messages flooded with this stupid petion....

Just my  opinion.... but it took a long time for pogo to agree to allowing us to get past badges.... now thats not good enough... Every week they get complaints. the Challenges are to hard, We want to do more than one... if they keep getting flooded with nothing but complaints has anyone ever thought they can take these personal challenges away just as quickly as they gave them to us....

yeah so you need 50 thats gonna take 50 weeks.... well I think that thats a little shorter time than NEVER... they didnt have to allow us to do them at all... so which is worse... never being allowed to do them or taking 50 weeks with something new to do each week?????

I agree, i just checked messages again and had 3 brand new petitions!
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: kizzakad on July 23, 2004, 05:37:23 PM
i never asked for the personal challenges and i dont care if pogo takes them away. but like you people have an opinon.
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: MidnightToker62 on July 23, 2004, 05:45:17 PM
I blocked my Pogo mail from all but anybody on my friends list.

Believe me, nobody on that list would DARE send me that crap!

Just a side note....Was in a room today where a group was pissin and moanin, wanting all the challenges at once. Stating that if they got it, they would stay up as long as it takes to get them all! Now whats' the frickin point of that????

Have had my chat turned off since Tuesday morning because of all the whining...turned it back on this afternoon just to see....and they were still at it! Chat goes back off and stays off.

Hopefully all this will die down in time although I doubt it, the idiots recruit more everyday.
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: Thisnamenottaken on July 23, 2004, 05:48:38 PM
SSER  since you volunteered your Pogo name I checked you out.... seems to me you should work on the 16 in game badges you DONT have, rather than whine about the ones you dont have, and noting in your album.... you just chose NOT to do them when they were offered as you were a member when they came up the first time... now you want to complain that you cant do all in one day that you chose not to do in one week.  So since you need 16 in game badges that tells me you shouldnt be bored you have plenty to do.
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: kizzakad on July 23, 2004, 06:01:56 PM
he/she isnt a club member, but what does it matter if there whining over the challenges,this is all just stupid. you should just worry about ure challenges and let people have there own opinon's, i dont see the problem in people wanting as many as they can do. doesnt mean you have to do them all you can still stick to ure 1 a  week.
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: zenia on July 23, 2004, 06:03:30 PM
Quote from: kizzakad on July 23, 2004, 06:01:56 PM
he/she isnt a club member, but what does it matter if there whining over the challenges,this is all just stupid. you should just worry about ure challenges and let people have there own opinon's, i dont see the problem in people wanting as many as they can do. doesnt mean you have to do them all you can still stick to ure 1 a  week.

Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: Thisnamenottaken on July 23, 2004, 06:05:25 PM
That was just stupid.... now why would anyone that isnt a club member care one way or the other if they allowed us to get one or more challenges that they cant get.... your trying to tell me that sser is only concerned for us club members.... I think NOT >:(
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: Thisnamenottaken on July 23, 2004, 06:07:38 PM
Quote from: sser on July 22, 2004, 11:34:26 PM
or it could be it desnt hurt pogo to give em to u or we pay for club pogo

HMMMMM  odd that he/she isnt a member since this is their message..... amazing they pay for club member ship and are NOT a member
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: kizzakad on July 23, 2004, 06:10:42 PM
sser is a pogo member but not a CLUB member
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: Thisnamenottaken on July 23, 2004, 06:10:45 PM
Quote from: kizzakad on July 23, 2004, 06:01:56 PM
he/she isnt a club member, but what does it matter if there whining over the challenges,this is all just stupid. you should just worry about ure challenges and let people have there own opinon's, i dont see the problem in people wanting as many as they can do. doesnt mean you have to do them all you can still stick to ure 1 a  week.

I dont have problems... but you cant tell me they arent a member as I quoted in last reply their message saying they Pay for Club POGO
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: YZrider on July 23, 2004, 06:10:59 PM
Sounds like alot of whining over nothing to me. I think Pogo should just give us the Badges, not make us play for Club, and let us use autos without being banned. Maybe then everyone would stop complaining. I can't believe people have the nerve to complain only doing one challenge a week. Pogo is totally stealing the uniqueness out the the badges by giving them out again. I like having unique badges that people missed in the beginning. Whats so unique about the badges without that. If everyone has all the badges, what would be the point? I think Pogo should make the badges like avatars and let us design some of our own, being that most of them suck anyways.
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: Thisnamenottaken on July 23, 2004, 06:12:58 PM
WELL Said  YZ....... :)
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: kizzakad on July 23, 2004, 06:13:16 PM
i added them and they are a normal pogo member NOT A CLUB MEMBER
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: zenia on July 23, 2004, 06:15:13 PM
Quote from: kizzakad on July 23, 2004, 06:10:42 PM
sser is a pogo member but not a CLUB member

apparently you are missing the correct screenname...which is posted in 1 of the messages and has not been edited yet, SSER is not the screenname the person uses on pogo,Thats there Name on this forum...LIKE DUH......
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: Thisnamenottaken on July 23, 2004, 06:15:19 PM
Quote from: sser on July 22, 2004, 09:24:31 PM
personal challenge badges. Pogo needs to change it so we can do as many as we want, when we want to. I mean what good is one day going to do? Think about.....If your missing like 50 of tbem, that's like 50 weeks. That will take way too long.....So if enough of us put our foot down. Hopefully pogo will change the way they have them setup...

So Please Send "<admin edit by Homer>and say u want to be on the list

This is the original post they made..... see the SEND POGO MAIL TOOOOOO
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: YZrider on July 23, 2004, 06:16:03 PM
Quote from: kizzakad on July 23, 2004, 06:13:16 PM
i added them and they are a normal pogo member NOT A CLUB MEMBER
Whats the difference if they are club or not with that name. It is probably someone afraid to get banned, so he/she used a non-club name. That explains it..huh. Non club members are not so bad. I was not always a club member and I rock!

BTW is that you in the avatar? You are hot. Please send more pics to YZrider@gmail.com  ;)
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: zenia on July 23, 2004, 06:16:27 PM
Quote from: kizzakad on July 23, 2004, 06:13:16 PM
i added them and they are a normal pogo member NOT A CLUB MEMBER
you added the screenname from this site, not there pogo screenname
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: kizzakad on July 23, 2004, 06:29:45 PM
lol.... thx for the comment YZrider .. yeh it is me  :)

people have gone really crazy over the personal challenges, and it would be good to have them all at once, but you dont always get what you want. 1 a week is good but more is better. ppl should just be greatfull for what they have. maybe in time pogo might make it atleast 2 a week or something, but seeing as we only just got the challenges, i think its good enough. just cuz something new comes out people want more, give it time, it only just came out. no need to rush pogo. and people never complained before about missing badges through the year. but now its out its different.
pogo is a great site even without the challenges
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: rcardone1 on July 23, 2004, 07:19:19 PM
Well it is official you all beat the hell out of this dead horse.
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: DJ_ on July 23, 2004, 08:51:01 PM
Well I'm beating this dead horse a little more  >:(
I just received this from someone
QuoteDear Fellow Pogo Players,
I don't know about you. But we need to petition pogo and have them change the way they setup our personal challenge badges. Pogo needs to change it so we can do as many as we want, when we want to. I mean what good is one day going to do? Think about.....If your missing like 50 of them, that's like 50 weeks. That will take way too long.....So if enough of us put our foot down. Hopefully pogo will change the way they have them setup...

So Please Send this around and sign your name at the bottom. Together we can make a difference.

Anyone that sends me this crap will get reported for SPAM/Advertising, think twice before sending this to people you don't know. I don't want to see any of this junk and I don't think twice about reporting it!
QuoteYour Abuse Report has been sent to Customer Service.
<name edited> has been added to your Blocked Senders List.

Do not bother people with it unless they ask to sign the petition.


QuoteFrom:   ea_admin    Add to Friends List  |  Block this Sender  |  Report Abuse
Subject:   Message from EA Online Support
To: *********
Received:   Fri 7/23

Your petition has reached the Club Pogo Level 1 Queue

QuoteFrom:   ea_admin    Add to Friends List  |  Block this Sender  |  Report Abuse
Subject:   Message from EA Online Support
To: **********
Received:   Fri 7/23

Hello *******, Thank you for your report on this possible in game violation. Rest assured we will take the appropriate action in this matter. If this was a complaint about vulgar language, please make sure your chat filter is enabled. If this was a report about a problem player, please make sure that you mute them so contact with them in the future is impossible and they can no longer bother you. They should have been automatically muted when you filed this petition against them. Again, thank you for helping keep Club Pogo a fun (and clean) place to play! Regards, *******

I'm not kidding about this, some people just don't want to be bothered with this crap!
I know I'm being an ass about it but enough is enough... 1st I have to read about people complaining on this board, then I have to read about it in pogo chat and now I'm getting this junk in my pogo in box.
I'm done venting.... let the horse die  ;D
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: YZrider on July 23, 2004, 09:01:00 PM
Damn dude, I sent that to you thinking you might be interested. You get friendly with someone and think you can send him something that he might like and he snitches on you to pogo. Thanks alot DJ. I will discuss your fate on my site and get back to you with the results by the end of the week. ;)
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: DJ_ on July 23, 2004, 09:07:07 PM
Lmao YZ, you're too much  ;D
Good to see you back  :)
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: DEBKARLAR on July 23, 2004, 09:43:41 PM
So if everyone gets all the badges that pogo offered then what?..... back to boredom and looking forward to "new" crappy games pogo can dream up in their SILLY  little heads and watered down challenges? I'd love to be the proverbial fly on the wall at pogo's staff meetings
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: BadgeHelpOscar on July 23, 2004, 09:45:25 PM
You should waltz on into their Redwood City office and apply...it can't be that hard to get hired on....They offered me a job there but I enjoy eating on a regular basis.
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: DEBKARLAR on July 23, 2004, 09:47:59 PM
Quote from: PogoPal on July 23, 2004, 09:45:25 PM
You should waltz on into their Redwood City office and apply...it can't be that hard to get hired on....They offered me a job there but I enjoy eating on a regular basis.
last time I waltzed I tripped over my partner
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: KittyKat on July 23, 2004, 11:02:43 PM
This is what I think of the Personal Challenges, I think they are great I'm so glad I can go back and get the badges I never got. But I do think they should do like 1 a day insted of 1 a week. or maybe like 3 a week. But I still like them. Thats my $.02
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: Barbyxo on July 23, 2004, 11:51:11 PM
Yes, it is true that if you have 50 badges to catch up on you have to wait 50 weeks.  Those of us who chose to subscribe to the Club Pogo service at its inception were limited to how many badges we could get at any given time.  Those who came in late were allowed a bonus grace period to get badges that we had to fight for, many times without the blessing of auto programs that were not available at the time.  On several occasions, Pogo went kablooey and we lost our progress and had to start from scratch.  We had fewer options and fewer chances.  Then enter the "Johnny Come Lately" and they want it all and they want it now.  They chose not to subscribe for 25 weeks and are in the red with 50 badges in deficit and they want instant gratification.  They are asking for an edge that we didn't have and they are fuming that they can't have it.  I do not believe that any petition would move the Pogo powers that be to allow everyone fee range to shoot to the top.  This would piss off the original members, and we are the ones that are about to be hit with the next year's fees for the benefits of Club Pogo.  If these people are so passionate about this cause then they should have joined sooner than they did.

There is no easy resolution to this cause. It is a hot topic of debate and is out of hand by the very nature of the spam mail being sent to members who feel strongly about this issue, both pro and con.  Only time will tell how Pogo chooses to deal with this.  Some are going to be happy and some are going to be mad. We will all move forward and deal with it one way or another.
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: LuLu on July 24, 2004, 05:17:15 AM
I guess I'm one of the lucky ones.  I only ever had one message in my pogo box.  That was the one welcoming me.  I've been a club member for over 7 months too.  I guess nobody has me on their friends list.   ;D
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: Homer on July 24, 2004, 05:45:09 AM
Seven months and not a token milestone. For shame Lulu.  :P j/k
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: Bizach0620 on July 24, 2004, 05:47:36 AM
I am lucky I only have 16 badges to get.  I am pissed off at the people who chose to do the firefly badge and then they bitch about it.  That is uncalled for.  If you chose one and don't like it you can change it.
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: Homer on July 24, 2004, 06:02:09 AM
You know what would be neat with the badges is if you could redo the challenges to attain a certain status level. Kind of like the Olympics. First time you complete the badge it's bronze then silver then gold. You get the idea. Now that would be a challenge. :P
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: YZrider on July 24, 2004, 06:52:29 AM
Quote from: Homer on July 24, 2004, 06:02:09 AM
You know what would be neat with the badges is if you could redo the challenges to attain a certain status level. Kind of like the Olympics. First time you complete the badge it's bronze then silver then gold. You get the idea. Now that would be a challenge. :P
Now thats the best idea I have heard all week. You better fly out to EA and present it to the board.
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: Homer on July 24, 2004, 07:10:25 AM
Yeah your right. I should work for them. Could you imagine what their membership renewal rate would be with all the badge-o-holics. You could even add a platinum level now that I think about it. ;)
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: kizzakad on July 24, 2004, 07:20:50 AM
lol... now there is another petition going around..

Remember back when you were able to change your pogo name once every 30 days? This was very useful when being stalked or harassed by another player, or when you just got tired of your name and felt like updating it. Well Pogo just took that ability from us one day a long time ago for no reason whatsoever and I for one would like it back! So if you would please sign your Pogo name at the bottom and pass it around to everyone you know I would appreciate it. Thanks!
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: Homer on July 24, 2004, 07:25:55 AM
That doesn't even bother me anymore. I just report stalkers. ;D
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: Super Duckie on July 24, 2004, 07:56:35 AM
what if them stalkers had jelly doughnuts :)
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: 2TOOME on July 24, 2004, 08:08:51 AM
Quote from: Bizach0620 on July 24, 2004, 05:47:36 AM
I am lucky I only have 16 badges to get.  I am pissed off at the people who chose to do the firefly badge and then they bitch about it.  That is uncalled for.  If you chose one and don't like it you can change it.

Oh!  That's so funny!  You and I must have been in the same room!  I was going for my firefly badge and everyone was like "this is soooo hard", "I hate this game", Damn firefly!", "I'm going to kill that alligator and make thong underwear out of it".  That last one was my favorite.  I usually leave my chat on cause you never know when some cornball is going to come on say something really crazy but after all that whining I had to cut it off.  I'm with you, if you don't like the challenge you chose, then pick another one!  I got my firefly badge and it is my all time favorite cause I did it w/o a cheat and it took so damn long to get.
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: Homer on July 24, 2004, 08:25:20 AM
Quote from: Duckie Quackers on July 24, 2004, 07:56:35 AM
what if them stalkers had jelly doughnuts :)

I'd eat their donuts....then report them. :P
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: Blue Aquarius on July 24, 2004, 08:54:23 AM
I tried that dang first class challenge, the one where ya have to win 3 games in a row.  Finally got so mad i changed the challenge and got the dizzy frog in Greenback.  I also saw the thong alligator comment.  lol
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: Super Duckie on July 24, 2004, 09:14:15 AM
Greenback is driving me nutts, i am up to 126 though atleast....
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: yousmellbad on July 24, 2004, 10:14:06 AM
GB isnt bugging me at all. its not hard  ;D
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: Super Duckie on July 24, 2004, 10:36:37 AM
Well i got 44 to go now, **sigh**
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: Homer on July 24, 2004, 10:54:49 AM
Poor Duckie. :'(
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: 2TOOME on July 24, 2004, 10:56:20 AM
Quote from: Duckie Quackers on July 24, 2004, 10:36:37 AM
Well i got 44 to go now, **sigh**

I feel your pain.  :P
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: 2TOOME on July 24, 2004, 10:59:37 AM
Quote from: yousmellbad on July 24, 2004, 10:14:06 AM
GB isnt bugging me at all. its not hard  ;D

I don't think it's hard either.  It's waiting for that blue butt firefly to get in the right place. :P
Title: Re: personal challenges petition(club pogo) if regulars want to sign to, i say w
Post by: SNOOPER on July 26, 2004, 02:09:14 PM
i don't really care how many they give us each week as long as they give something..lol..all i want are my 16 missing badges that i already earned to be returned to my badge profile.  it seems they vanished  when they did the album upgrade...ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,,had screen shots of everything and sent to pogo..got reply we will check into it  but ya probably won't get em back. Now that's what i call bogus b.s. and lousy customer service..wtg pogo..once again you have let me know i am right to not repect your site and the idiots who run it.