I wanna make a website but I don't know what to make it about. I have no experience in programming so I can't make an auto. I'd like to do something in Pogo.
If you give me a good idea I will give you a free membership. LOL
Make a website about me, I could write you a short life history in a few hours along with a few childhood pictures.
Learn how to program I use a nice little thing to create autos so far I made a slots auto lol... but working on more autos... the program I use can be found at http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/ and its free (includes a compiler to, to make .exe files)
to understand the program language you need to look at the help file.
Also you should go to http://www.oswd.org/ for some nice web designs
you could try yahoo it's free and easy
If I make you a template will you give me that free membership?
Is it a full year one?
-if that doesn work for you- you coul dmake the website about how pogo was when you first started and how it is now
and how it changed...with autos and other things
yeah i'd like to make something 2 lol
I would just like a free membership lol
how bout you make a site on the badges and how to get them quicker
how about making a site about how much pogo has meant to you
thanks seanx ill use that thingy. I will give cras and seanx a lifetime membership. PM me your e-mail for referance if thats how you spell it.
O0 O0 O0 O0
??? :o How do you open Autoit when I don't have any Autoit files yet?
you downloaded and installed it right? PM me and I will tell you how to get started.