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Pogo Cheats => Chit Chat => Topic started by: Yoming 2 on August 20, 2016, 08:56:16 PM

Title: What a day it was
Post by: Yoming 2 on August 20, 2016, 08:56:16 PM
Well I think I can sleep peacefully tonight................we had tornadoes touching down in MI today in about 20 or so towns............lots of trees uprooted and damage to property....trees coming down on the houses. 

At the end of my street a huge tree came down and landed right in the middle of the home.  I had no electricity for 8 hours and lots of people are still sitting in the dark.  My daughter had a tree come down in the middle of her garage...thankfully the new car she just bought was not damaged ( just some scratches )
My back yard is full of a tree limb?? that used to be  over my garage.  hit my grill and the wheelbarrow that was sitting there and it is now just a  crumpled up bunch of metal.   the limb??? is  about 12"  in diameter and about 45 feet long.    Got a guy coming out Mon. to cut it up.  Thank heavens it went sideways and missed my house.

No computer, t.v. or phone ( cell phone needed charging and no power for that )
Cat spent the p.m. under the bed.   hysterical.gif

Nothing like a good ole' tornado to come flying thru to shake things up.   Yippee Yay.  But the good thing was all the sirens went off...and tonight it was reported nobody was hurt or killed----Lots of prayers and thank you Lord will be said tomorrow I bet.   giggle2.gif
Title: Re: What a day it was
Post by: Squid on August 21, 2016, 04:34:08 AM
I'm sorry for the fright and damage, Yoming, but I'm glad you're ok!  That's the important thing. 
Title: Re: What a day it was
Post by: disneyland lady on August 21, 2016, 05:42:18 AM
So glad you survived and sorry for the scare and damage. I have never been in weather living in So Cal so you would find me making your cat give me a little more room under that bed.
Title: Re: What a day it was
Post by: MsMissy on August 21, 2016, 06:03:11 AM
So sorry to hear about you having Tornadoes. Now ive never heard of them being up north there, as you no I'm from Wisconsin & my oldest sister lives in Lansing MI> I'm glad you didn't get hurt or had any real bad damanage to your place & you & kitty are safe.  hi11.gif
Title: Re: What a day it was
Post by: Stinkerbell on August 21, 2016, 08:17:04 AM
Yikes!!  What a day, indeed! I'm glad you're okay!! **hugs**
Title: Re: What a day it was
Post by: Yoming 2 on August 21, 2016, 04:59:16 PM
Thanx to all for your replies and posts.............spent the day cleaning up back yard.  Got help from a neighbor and his truck.  Somebody already took my " used " wheelbarrow from the curb.   hysterical.gif   My knees hurt.   sad.gif
But it's a mess cleaned up.  Got some holes ready and waiting  for the squirrels to hide their nuts in.....

Now I gotta mow the stupid yard cause the grass ( weeds ) are reaching for the sky....

Thanx again--------I love, love, love this site... inlove1.gif
Title: Re: What a day it was
Post by: snap20 on August 22, 2016, 12:56:28 PM
Glad to hear you are okay Yoming!

I know all too well about trees coming down and being with electricity for a while. We've had our electric service line brought down by trees, I think it's 4 times now. The first time we were without power for over 14 hours. Not too big of a deal, but hard not to go use the bathroom for that long (we have a well, that requires power). Luckily we had a generator for the fridge/freezer.