How to Disable AdBlock Broswer Extensions

Google Chrome :

Using AdBlock
1) In the top right corner, click on the hand icon for the AdBlock extension.
2) On the drop-down menu, click on "Options" and then the "Customize" link on the top of the page.
3) Click on the "Show ads on a webpage or domain" option.
4) Enter in and click the "OK!" button.
5) Refresh the page or continue to our site.

Using AdBlock Plus
1) In the top right corner of your browser, click the AdBlock Plus icon.
2) On the drop-down menu, click on "Options" and then the "Whitelisted Domains" tab.
3) Enter in and click the "Add domain" button.
4) Refresh the page or continue to our site.

Firefox :
1) In the browser's top right corner, click on the AdBlock Plus icon.
2) In the drop-down menu, choose the "Disable on" option.
3) Changes will automatically update when the page is refreshed.

Microsoft Edge :
1) In the browser's top right corner, click on menu icon (3 dots).
2) Click on the AdBlock icon.
3) Click on "Don't run on this page".
4) Changes will automatically update when the page is refreshed.

Internet Explorer :
1) In the bottom right corner, click on the hand icon for AdBlock extension.
2) On the drop-down menu, choose the "Disable on" option
3) Refresh the page or continue to our site.

iOS 9+ :
1) Open the "Settings" app.
2) Open the settings for Safari.
3) In the menu, click on "Content Blockers".
4) Slide the button left to disable blockers.
5) Refresh the browser to activate changes.