July 27, 2024, 03:05:26 AM

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Turbo 21 HD : Get 180 21's this week! [Download Cheat]
Sweet Tooth Town : Collect 80 stars this week! [Download Cheat]

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October Pogo Survey

Started by Mayhem,

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Pogo is looking for your opinion on Garden Blast.

They would like to know your thoughts on how satisfied you are with the game, how frequently do you play, what mechanics do you love/hate, and do you engage or want more challenges for this game.

Fill out the survey here :
Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eyewitness.


It really stinks when they don't give you a chance to express yourself except for multiple choices.  It's a half-hearted survey.


They should've had a box so we could leave our own feedback.
Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eyewitness.


I had a few constructive things to say about that game.